Month: June 2022

Working Paper Estimates Impact of Cal Grant Equity Framework on Enrollments, Completions, Income and Tax Revenue

The “Cal Grant Equity Framework” (the “Equity Framework”) aims to cover more of the entire cost of attendance, including tuition and fees and other expenses such as textbooks, housing, and meals. It consolidates existing programs into two, makes benefits more predictable, and moves GPA requirements closer to alignment with the federal standard for Pell grants. …

Working Paper Estimates Impact of Cal Grant Equity Framework on Enrollments, Completions, Income and Tax Revenue Read More »

Distribution of Student Debt and Potential Forgiveness

Using data from the U.S. Census Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), this interactive Tableau data story shows how education debt is distributed by race/ethnicity, education level, income and state, subject to the sampling and design limitations of the survey.  It also allows users to model different levels of theoretical debt forgiveness to see …

Distribution of Student Debt and Potential Forgiveness Read More »