Nate Johnson, PhD – Principal

Nate Johnson consults on higher education policy, funding, and student successissues. He has worked in education policy, plan and institutional research at thenational, state, and institutional levels. He served for five years as executivedirector of planning and analysis for the State University System of Florida inthe office of the chancellor. During that time, he facilitated the first statewidestrategic plan for the Board of Governors after it was created in the FloridaConstitution in 2003. He has also served as associate director of institutionalresearch at the University of Florida, and as a policy analyst in Florida’snationally respected Office of Articulation, where he helped develop policiesrelated to inter-sector transfer, high school graduation standards,and collegeadmissions.
He currently serves as the Lumina Foundation’s external highereducation productivity adviser to the state of Tennessee, as the leaderof a Lumina-sponsored “strategy lab” on student incentives to complete coursesand programs, and as a member of the National Academy of Sciences panel on measuringhigher education productivity. Johnson grew up in Oregon and earned his bachelor’sdegree from Whitman College in Walla Walla,Washington and his Ph.D. in Englishliterature from Cornell University.